Auke Leenstra is the Country Officer Netherlands and Benelux for Citi. Also, he is the Head of Banking for Citi’s European Bank. We recorded this episode at the Dutch Banking Association’s offices in Amsterdam.
His career has been at Citi for the last 28 years with 8 postings in 6 countries, from New York to London, Prague, Casablanca and Zurich. The last 10 years he has been in Amsterdam.
Next to his job he is Chairman of the FBA, the Foreign Bankers’ Association. Also, he is on the Board of the the Dutch Banking Association and on the board of the Fonds1818, a philanthropic endowment in The Hague.
Auke studied Political Science at the VU University in Amsterdam and did another Masters Degree in International Relations at Columbia University in New York.
He is 53 years old, married to a French Wife and has two children.

Aleksandr Solzjenitsyn: our guest would like to recommend all of the books of Solzjenitsyn, a dissident Russian writer, who was awarded with the Nobel prize for Literature. Our guest thinks the main question a book like ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ poses is: ‘How do you operate human frailty in such a system?’
Michael Lewis – Liar’s poker: autobiographical novel about a man who gets to see the inner workings of Salomon Brothers, becomes a bond trader and notices how individuals at Wall Street trick and deceive their fellow workers.

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You find the transcription of the interview here: Auke Leenstra.
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