In this episode of Compliance Adviseert, we are joined by Bart de Haan, MLRO of Revolut in the Netherlands. Bart shares insights into how he set up Revolut’s Dutch branch and discusses the specific AML and Compliance challenges involved in the process.
Does Revolut experience significant criminal activity? How many suspicious activity reports are sent to the FIU? How does Revolut rely on technology to manage risks? What challenges does Revolut face in handling international payments, especially with its global user base? Does Bart think big tech or fintechs like Revolut will become bigger competitors to incumbent banks? And finally, what’s the main thing that others in the ecosystem, whether banks or other players in the AML ecosystem, can learn from Bart?

—> Volg de Compliance Adviseert Podcast via Linkedin.
—> Compliance Adviseert wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Hyarchis, Deloitte , de Volksbank en Osborne Clarke.
–> Wanneer lezen beter uitkomt dan luisteren dan is hier de transcriptie te vinden: transcriptie Bart de Haan