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Transcriptie: Leaders in Finance extra episode EY event
This is Leaders in Finance, a podcast where we find out more about the people behind their successful career. We speak with the leaders of today and tomorrow to discuss their motivations, their organizations and their personal lives. Why? Because the financial sector could use a little more honest conversation. We’d like to thank our partners for their support. They are: Kayak, EY, Odgers Berndtson executive search and Roland Berger. Your host is Jeroen Broekema.
Jeroen: Welcome to a short podcast episode where I’m going to welcome two guests on the show. But before I do so, I’d like share the aim of this episode, which is to announce the EY event EYe on Banking and Insurance on the 24th of November with an amazing line-up of speakers and, in my view, with an extraordinarily important topic. Which is: How can banks and insurers use sustainable finance to transform their organizations to deliver long-term value? So now over to my two guests, they’re both senior ranking partners at EY. First, Zeynep Deldag, who is the Banking and Capital Markets leader for the Netherlands. Welcome, Zeynep!
Zeynep: Thank you, Jeroen! Glad to be talking to you.

Jeroen: Wonderful! And secondly, Loes Andringa, who is the Insurance leader for the Netherlands. Welcome, Loes, as well!
Loes: Thanks, Jeroen! I’m excited to talk about the event.
Jeroen: Great! First, Zeynep, let me ask you a very simple question. Why this event?
Zeynep: Great question! This is one of our traditional annual flagship events, just like tomorrow’s economy. As EY, we drive market through a dedicated sector-focused approach. Hence, this event is all about bringing the sector together in terms of both people and hot topics and spend time elaborating on key trends, share insights, connect and inspire. Even during the pandemic, we did it virtually, and we had tremendous interest.
Jeroen: That’s great! A topic, which I stated before in the introduction but I’m repeating it here, how can banks and insurers use sustainable finance to transform their organizations to deliver long-term value? Zeynep, is that actually a topic that the C-suite has very high on its agenda, you would say?
Zeynep: Indeed, absolutely! The ambition of the banking sector, creating long-term value for its stakeholders, is the only way to be relevant. And I see more and more that this topic is not only on the top of the agenda of C-suite, but it’s also embedded into their business model vision and executing on it.
Jeroen: Right, thanks for explaining! I also wanted to ask, Loes, why are you organizing this event for both banks and insurers? Because what you normally hear is that it’s either for banks or insurers. But you guys have chosen to do it together.
Loes: Yes, that’s right, Jeroen. We actually did this, because it’s a hot topic for both banks and insurer companies. So it’s an excellent opportunity for them to actually learn from each other. Both during the sessions, but also during the breaks or network lunch. And of course, we also have some separate focus sessions on specific sectors to talk about the specifics.
Jeroen: Right. Ultimately, the topic is great, I agree. But people make an event, so do you already have names you can share? Or is that not clear yet?
Loes: Yes, sure. I’m actually very excited about the contribution of David Knibbe, the CEO of NN Group. he is joining us to share some insights, but he means to lead a company through this transformation. And besides that, we will have Geert Noels, he is a Belgian economist. We will have Lidwien Suur, who is in the Board of Directors of Achmea, and also Jacqueline van den Ende, who is the CEO of Carbon Equity. And of course, we will also be joined by our own EY speakers, we will have our EMEIA Insurance Leader there, Peter Manchester, and also our Banking Leader, who is Nigel Moden. Additionally, our Global Financial Services Sustainability Leader, Gill Lofts, will be there. She will provide some EY insights.
Jeroen: Wow, that’s a very significant list of people already. And you’re mentioning you’re going to announce even more, so that sounds really good! Zeynep, ultimately, if you put this all together, why should people join the event?
Zeynep: It’s simple, to connect, inspire and learn from each other. But also, the latest insights from experts on key trends of both the sectors. We have amazing – as Loes also just mentioned – local and international speakers lined up, willing to share their views, but also provocation of discussions planned on macro-economic outlooks. Break-out sessions, focused on different elements of long-term value, and a panel of C-suite members of the sectors, deep-diving into long-term value. But also ending with drinks and some bitter balls. It’s an event not to miss!
Jeroen: Wow, well put! And Loes, I don’t know if there is something to add to that? It’s quite a strong line here from Zeynep!
Loes: Yes, exactly. Firstly, I fully agree with Zeynep’s words. I’m also very happy that we can do this live again. That really adds to the experience. It’s a very good opportunity for both sectors to further shape a sustainable future together. I’m also very proud to say that we have a lot of female speakers on the stage, so that will ensure diverse views on the topic.
Jeroen: Wow, you even had to add something there, that’s great! To wrap this all up, my last question to the both of you: Do you have a fun fact about the event or something we should definitely share here with the listeners? Zeynep, I’m looking at you first?
Zeynep: Yes, of course. Leaders in Finance will be recording the event and also will be executing some great podcasts with some great leaders of the sectors.
Jeroen: That’s nice, thanks for sharing that. That’s really nice! And Loes, for you the same question?
Loes: The topic is very broad, so we are talking about sustainability, which is relevant for our several stakeholders within insurance companies and banking. So actually, the event is very interesting for a diverse group of participants. Certainly for the Senior Management of banks and insurance companies in finance, in risk, in business and customer domains. So we will be sending out some personal invitations ourselves and you can also reach Zeynep and myself for a registration link or follow us on LinkedIn.
Jeroen: Wow, great! That’s very clear. I’m curious who is going to get your e-mails, but I’m sure there are quite some that will get them. This was a very short episode, but for me it has become crystal clear why I am actually looking forward to this event. You guys made it very clear to me. Thank you for listening and please find more information about this episode, including a link to the registration form for this event, in the show notes. For now, thanks a lot Loes and Zeynep for taking the time. I shall speak to you again, probably before, but for sure on the 24th of November.
Zeynep: Thanks! I’m excited and also looking very much forward to it and I’m very confident that it will be worth the time of those participating.
Loes: Thanks Jeroen and I’m looking forward to see you there!
You’ve been listening to Leaders in Finance, we hope you’ve enjoyed the episode and we’d love to hear from you. What’s on your mind, who would you like to hear next? Tell us in an Apple or Google review, via e-mail or our social media channels. We’d greatly appreciate it! Finally, we’d like to thank our partners for their ongoing support. They are: Kayak, EY, Odgers Berndtson executive search and Roland Berger. Thank you for listening!