Microcast: my shortest episode ever (less than a minute!) about the upcoming Leaders in Sustainable Finance Event 26 January 2023

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Leaders in Sustainable Finance Event
At the event the financial industry, government agencies and NGOs will debate how we can speed up the sustainable transition in The Netherlands and what the financial industry could do to support and what it in turn needs to do that effectively. You can expect pitches from large Dutch companies (non financial) about their challenges, panel discussions with leaders in the financial sector, speed-dates with NGOs and a lot more!

Date: 26 January 2023
Venue: Kontakt der Kontinenten
Time: 09.30 – 17.30 (including an organic lunch and drinks & bites after the formal part) 
Title: “Speeding up the transition with carrot and stick”
Language: the entire event is in English
Speakers: among many others, speakers are Medy van der Laan (Voorzitter, Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken), Hans Stegeman (Triodos, Chief Economist), Monique Donders (BlackRock, Country Manager NL), Anneka Treon (Van Lanschot Kempen, Chief Economist) Berry Marttin (Board Rabobank), Kees Vendrik (Nationaal Klimaat Platform), Martijn Plaum (CFO Tata Steel Nederland), Joanne de Jonge (Invest-NL, Director Strategy), Jeroen Bos (Credit Suisse, Gobal Head Sustainable Investments), Richard Kooloos (ABN AMRO, Director Group Sustainability), Leon Wijnands (ING NL, Head of Sustainability), Piet Klop (PGGM, Head of Responsible Investment) and many more. Moderator of the day is Marije Tolsma-Groen.  

Program and Registration
Go for the entire program as well as more information to our website. You can register for this event there by scrolling all the way down on the website.

Leaders in Finance Podcast is made possible through support of KayakEYOdgers Berndtson executive search en Roland Berger. More information about our partners is available at our partnerpage

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Order the book “100 Gesprekken: de mens achter succes” about the first 100 guests at the show!

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Previous guests were among many others: Klaas Knot (President Dutch Central Bank – DNB), Robert Swaak (CEO ABN AMRO), David Knibbe (CEO NN), Janine Vos (Managing Board Rabobank), Frank Elderson (Board ECB), Jos Baeten (CEO ASR), Maarten Edixhoven (CEO Van Lanschot Kempen), Jeroen Rijpkema (CEO Triodos), Nadine Klokke (CEO Knab), Gita Salden (CEO BNG Bank),  Annerie Vreugdenhil (CIO ING),  Karien van Gennip (CEO VGZ), Chantal Vergouw (CEO Interpolis), Simone Huis in ‘t Veld (CEO Euronext), Nout Wellink (former President Dutch Central Bank), Anneka Treon (MD Van Lanschot), Onno Ruding (former minister of finance), Maurice Oostendorp and Martijn Gribnau (CEOs Volksbank), Olaf Sleijpen (Director DNB), Allegra van Hövell-Patrizi (CEO Aegon NL), Yoram Schwarz (CEO Movir), Laura van Geest (Chairwoman Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets – AFM) Katja Kok (CEO Van Lanschot Kempen CH), Ali Niknam (CEO bunq), Nick Bortot (CEO BUX), Matthijs Bierman (MD Triodos NL), Peter Paul de Vries (CEO Value8), Barbara Baarsma (CEO Rabo Carbon Bank), Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen (Chair Aon Holdings), Annemarie Jorritsma (a.o. Chair NVP), Lidwin van Velden (CEO Dutch Water Bank – NWB), Don Ginsel (CEO Holland Fintech), Mary Pieterse-Bloem (Professor Erasmus University), Jan-Willem van der Schoot (CEO Mastercard NL), Tjeerd Bosklopper (CEO NN NL), Joanne Kellermann (Chair PFZW), Steven Maijoor (Chair ESMA), Radboud Vlaar (CEO Finch Capital), Karin van Baardwijk (CEO Robeco) and Annette Mosman (CEO APG). 

–> between brackets the job title at the time of the interview. 

Aflevering 36

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