Pre-event interview: Pauline Bieringa

–> This is a pre-event interview in the run-up to the Leaders in Sustainable Finance Event on February 1, 2024.

Pauline Bieringa, Managing Director Triodos Bank Nederland

Jeroen: Could you please introduce yourself?

Pauline: Pauline Bieringa, Managing Director Triodos Bank The Netherlands. Since 30 years member of the Triodos-community.

Jeroen: What do you like about your role?

Pauline: Banking is a people’s business, where money is a means to a better quality of life for everyone, and that is exactly what Triodos Bank stands for. Triodos Bank not only wants to finance change for the good, but also wants to encourage the financial sector to change. I consider my role as a “chief connecting officer”, bringing likeminded people together and increase awareness of the important role that money and the financial sector play in the transition to a sustainable future for mankind, planet and nature.

Jeroen: When you think about Sustainable Finance, what do you think about? Also: what does it mean in your (daily) work?

Pauline: Sustainable finance is all we do since the beginning (1980); we do not need sustainable finance officers: it is an integral part of our daily work. We regularly challenge each other on the definition of “sustainable finance”, and on the role that our bank needs to play: do we finance only “dark green” projects, or should we focus on the transition to a greener society? Therefor I sometimes call us “the dilemma bank”. And that is precisely what other banks ought to do as well: discuss the effects that your products, services and clients have on the long term. Focus not just on return, but first on impact.

Jeroen: What is the role the financial services industry has to play or should play in the sustainable transition?

Pauline: Today’s financing determines tomorrow’s world. And see above. Money and the availability of funding are crucial and indispensable drivers in this transition.

Jeroen: What is the largest challenge for the financial services industry with regards to a sustainable transition?

Pauline: Uncertainty. Financing the transition includes taking risks. On the other hand: NOT financing the transition might be a much higher risk. Triodos Bank is living proof that financing the transition can go hand in hand with acceptable risks and an adequate return.

Jeroen: What are opportunities for the financial services industry with regards to a sustainable transition?

Pauline: The necessary and inevitable transitions (Triodos Bank has earmarked five, on which we focus: energy, food, wellbeing, societal and resources) will have huge financing requirements. As we do not have the legacy which hinders other financial institutions in their transition to sustainable finance, I believe it is our responsibility as Triodos to remain the front runner in this field, share our knowledge and expertise and cooperate with our partners in the financial services industry.

Jeroen: What things around the Leaders in Sustainable Finance event are you looking forward to in particular?

Pauline: It is great to see that after the already successful and well-attended event of earlier this year, with representatives from many financial institutions, now the CEO’s will have a chance to commit themselves to a paradigm shift. And I look forward to hearing the opinion of the financial leaders of the future.

–> This is a pre-event interview in the run-up to the Leaders in Sustainable Finance Event on February 1, 2024.